
class lsst.ts.mtrotator.RotatorCommander(enable: bool)

Bases: CscCommander

Command the MTRotator CSC from the command-line.

This is only intended for engineering.


Enable the CSC when first connecting?

Methods Summary


Add arguments to the parser created by make_from_cmd_line.

add_kwargs_from_args(args, kwargs)

Add constructor keyword arguments based on parsed arguments.

amain(*, index, **kwargs)

Construct the commander and run it.

check_arguments(args, *names)

Check that the required arguments are provided.


Close the commander, prior to quitting.


Track along a cosine wave (one full cycle).


Track from start_position to end_position at the specified speed.


Allow the start command to have no arguments.

event_callback(data, name)

Generic callback for events.


Abbreviate the log output by omitting less-interesting fields.



Return True if the specified field name is public, False otherwise.


Format the public fields of an event or telemetry sample, for printing.


Format a dict for printing.

format_item(key, value)

Format one event or telemetry field for printing.


Get help for each command, as a list of strings.


Get a dict of field_name: value for public fields of a message.

get_rounded_public_data(data[, digits])

Get a dict of field_name: value for public fields of a DDS sample with float values rounded.

get_telemetry_comparison_dict(public_dict, ...)

Get a dict of field name: rounded data, for comparing new telemetry to old.

make_from_cmd_line(index, **kwargs)

Construct a SAL-related class from command line arguments.


Print a message to output, appending a final newline.


Print help.


Run the specified command string and wait for it to finish.

run_command_topic(command_name, args)

Run a command that has an associated salobj RemoteCommand topic.


Start asynchonous processes.


Don't print if only the raw or busVoltage fields have changed.


telemetry_callback(data, name[, digits])

Default callback for telemetry topics.

Methods Documentation

classmethod add_arguments(parser: ArgumentParser) None

Add arguments to the parser created by make_from_cmd_line.


The argument parser.


If you override this method then you should almost certainly override add_kwargs_from_args as well.

classmethod add_kwargs_from_args(args: Namespace, kwargs: dict[str, Any]) None

Add constructor keyword arguments based on parsed arguments.


Parsed command.


Keyword argument dict for the constructor. Update this based on args. The index argument will already be present if relevant.


If you override this method then you should almost certainly override add_arguments as well.

async classmethod amain(*, index: int | IntEnum | bool | None, **kwargs: Any) None

Construct the commander and run it.

Parse the command line to construct the commander, then parse and execute commands until the exit is seen.

indexint, enum.IntEnum, True, or None

If the CSC is indexed, do one of the following:

  • Specify True to make index a required command-line argument that accepts any nonzero index.

  • Specify an enum.IntEnum class to make index a required command-line argument that only accepts the enum values.

  • Specify a non-zero integer to use that index. This is rare; if the CSC is indexed then the user should usually be allowed to specify the index.

If the CSC is not indexed, specify None or 0.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional keyword arguments for your CSC’s constructor.

check_arguments(args: Sequence[str], *names: str | tuple[str, Callable[[str], Any]]) dict[str, Any]

Check that the required arguments are provided. and return them as a keyword argument dict with cast values.

argsList [str]

Command arguments, as strings.

*namesList [str or tuple]

Argument name and optional cast function. Each element is either:

  • An argument name, in which case the argument is cast to a float

  • A tuple of (name, cast function), in which case the argument is cast using the cast function. The cast function takes one str argument and returns the cast value.

async close() None

Close the commander, prior to quitting.

async do_cosine(args: list[str]) None

Track along a cosine wave (one full cycle).

async do_ramp(args: list[str]) None

Track from start_position to end_position at the specified speed.

async do_start(args: Sequence[str]) None

Allow the start command to have no arguments.

async event_callback(data: BaseMsgType, name: str) None

Generic callback for events.

You may provide evt_<event_name> methods to override printing of specific events.

async evt_logMessage_callback(data: BaseMsgType) None

Abbreviate the log output by omitting less-interesting fields.

Omit traceback unless it is non-blank. Always omit filePath, functionName, lineNumber, process, and timestamp.

async evt_summaryState_callback(data: BaseMsgType) None
field_is_public(name: str) bool

Return True if the specified field name is public, False otherwise.

format_data(data: BaseMsgType) str

Format the public fields of an event or telemetry sample, for printing.

format_dict(data: dict[str, Any]) str

Format a dict for printing.

Unlike format_data, this requires a dict and formats all fields.

format_item(key: str, value: Any) str

Format one event or telemetry field for printing.

get_commands_help() list[str]

Get help for each command, as a list of strings.

End with “Other Commands:” and any commands in help_dict that are not in command_dict.

get_public_data(data: BaseMsgType) dict[str, Any]

Get a dict of field_name: value for public fields of a message.



get_rounded_public_data(data: BaseMsgType, digits: int = 2) dict[str, Any]

Get a dict of field_name: value for public fields of a DDS sample with float values rounded.

get_telemetry_comparison_dict(public_dict: dict[str, Any], digits: int) dict[str, Any]

Get a dict of field name: rounded data, for comparing new telemetry to old.

public_datadict [str, Any]

Dict of field_name: value containing public fields that are to be compared.


The default number of digits to which to round float values. May be overridden for specific fields using constructor argument telemetry_fields_compare_digits.

classmethod make_from_cmd_line(index: int | IntEnum | bool | None, **kwargs: Any) CscCommander

Construct a SAL-related class from command line arguments.

indexint, enum.IntEnum, True, or None

If the CSC is indexed, do one of the following:

  • Specify True to make index a required command-line argument that accepts any nonzero index.

  • Specify an enum.IntEnum class to make index a required command-line argument that only accepts the enum values.

  • Specify a non-zero integer to use that index. This is rare; if the CSC is indexed then the user should usually be allowed to specify the index.

If the CSC is not indexed, specify None or 0.

**kwargsdict, optional

Additional keyword arguments for your class’s constructor.


The constructed instance.


To add additional command-line arguments, override add_arguments and add_kwargs_from_args.

output(msg: str) None

Print a message to output, appending a final newline.

Please call this instead of print to support unit tests.

If self.testing is True then append str to self.output_queue instead of printing it. Use this mode for unit testing a CSC commander.

print_help() None

Print help.

async run_command(cmd: str) None

Run the specified command string and wait for it to finish.


Command string (command name and arguments). Note: does not handle the “exit” command.

async run_command_topic(command_name: str, args: Sequence[str]) None

Run a command that has an associated salobj RemoteCommand topic.


Command name, e.g. Enable

argsList [str]

String arguments for the command. There must be exactly one argument per public fields.


This method works for command topics that take scalar arguments. To support command topics with more exotic arguments you must provide a do_<command> method that parses the arguments and add an entry to self.help_dict.

async start() None

Start asynchonous processes.

async tel_motors_callback(data: BaseMsgType) None

Don’t print if only the raw or busVoltage fields have changed.


MTRotator motors telemetry data.

async tel_rotation_callback(data: BaseMsgType) None
async telemetry_callback(data: BaseMsgType, name: str, digits: int = 2) None

Default callback for telemetry topics.

Print the telemetry information if it has changed enough (as specified by digits).


The message data.


The name to print. Typically the basic topic name with no prefix.


The default number of digits to which to round float values before comparing if fields have changed enough to be worth printing the new data. May be overridden for specific fields using constructor argument telemetry_fields_compare_digits.


  • This method cannot be directly assigned as a topic callback. Use functools.partial or similar to specify name, and, if you like, digits.

  • This method can also be used for events, if you only want The event published when the data changes significantly. One good candidate is the generic clockOffset event.